What to Know Before You Commit to an Evening Routine

And why I won’t advise you to adopt mine

Alexandra Piedoux
4 min readFeb 20, 2020

Today, I’d like to write about an important, albeit overlooked behavioral habit that, when executed consistently and properly, contributes substantially to one’s productivity. Evening routines. Of course, productivity is not the sole measure of success. But there tends to be a positive correlation between the two.

In terms of increasing productivity, morning routines are seemingly all the rage these days — Get up at 5AM! Don’t hit snooze! Take a cold shower. Drink only water. Meditate. Run. Don’t wake up early! Wake up at 8AM; Obama swears by it — the advice is as diverse as it gets.

However, studies demonstrate that it is routines in general that offer such beneficial effects, not specifically morning routines.

Morning routines have presumably gained the most traction simply as a result of our societal obsession with productivity. Productivity typically entails advanced preparation; preparing for a productive day at the beginning of it seems to align nicely with that notion.

We are often taught that the greatest measure of success is our accomplishments, which can be proudly assessed by each day’s end. These accomplishments stand to represent how worthwhile our efforts really were…



Alexandra Piedoux

Exploring mindfulness, holistic wellbeing, and sustainability at the intersection of science communication and mental health 🌱☀️